We are fed sound bites that a good education is important for getting a good job or career, but only a fraction of people will be rewarded with a job that pays well enough and that they like! It is not about getting a good mind that you can and SHOULD put to use to help create a better society along with others who have good minds and caring hearts too.
Kids are raised and 'educated' to be materialistic consumers, and it is working. Schools even play along by providing kids with the latest technology and software programs, ignoring that the best brain is developed by means of tactile learning opportunities indoors and out, rather than through 'fun' apps on iPads, now provided to kindergarteners who then only get to use one finger to manipulate the screen instead of using all ten, digging in the dirt and sculpting clay.
It's ironic how all who love digital gadgets and games, and see no harm in that use, have inadvertently helped set the stage for the disappearance of the teacher. That is what the reforms are now all about; computers, standardized tests, common core standards measurable by tests on computers, and the use of iPads and smart boards. Think of the companies making money on all these things that are really not good for young, developing brains!
Frank Smith warned about it almost 30 years ago! No one listened!
"..The computer is the ultimate weapon of instructional programmers, and in many people’s minds at least, it is a device to take the place of teachers. Anyone who believes that students learn best from systematic instruction and tests can say goodbye to teachers. For dispensing programmatic instruction, computers are cheaper and more efficient than humans.
..Our schools should not remain places where the enormous potential of the human brain is systematically eroded, and possibly destroyed. The invasion of education by instructional programmers must be turned back now.”
We probably won't unless the power grid goes out for good!
Discuss Diane's book with others on the Facebook group: Opt Out of the State Test: The National Movement
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