Sunday, January 9, 2011

What if??

I came across this article about what might happen if whole communities refused to let their kids take the state standardized tests.  In our case, CSAP.

It's interesting to think about.  As a parent, I'm coming to realize that most of the things I dislike about our public schools are a direct result of the emphasis of this test.  And that's not a knock against our school board, not really.  I understand they are under extreme pressure from the federal and state government to tailor our school system to get "results".   That is, increasing test scores.

A narrow curriculum, limited recess and hands on learning time, no time for teachers to grab hold of teachable moments and elaborate on what may perk students' interest, one size fits all lesson plans that teachers have no control over, kids learning to read but not learning to love reading...these are all consequences of teaching to the test.  So what do we do?  Children could be getting a better education if the government just backed off.    Private schools are not held hostage to government mandates and can teach their students in meaningful ways.  Why should that type of education be a privilege?

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