Monday, January 10, 2011

Do We Have the Time to Reform?

With so much discussion around improving our schools it is hard to figure out how and when to help out.  Stakeholders have little time as it is and we all go a little cross-eyed at the end of the day.  Heck, getting a good night’s sleep is what most of us shoot for in the daily accomplishments category (and fail at)!  Point is, everything is moving so fast.  So how can we get more involved in improving our schools? A recent D6 outreach event was attended by about 40 community members.  We have almost 20,000 children who attend our D6 schools.  Board meetings typically have just a handful of people there.  We see about that 40 attendee number again when the Board is discussing hot topics such as the charter schools.  40 out of 20,000.

Time is valuable and your time is best spent with your family and friends.  So how can we advocate improving our schools?  By forming connections and becoming an informed group.  Thanks to technology it is extremely simple to accomplish this.  Take the easy steps to get involved by following  You can follow via Twitter, Facebook, RSS feeds or subscribe the simple way with basic email updates.

Want to write a column or just vent?  Let us know via the Contact Us page!  And you DO NOT have to agree with us or be in line with our thinking.  I believe the best things happen when two opposing sides can find common ground to move forward on.

These are our kids.  These are our schools.  This is our community and our future.  This is your website.  Let's  find each other and work together to make our schools what we all know they can be!

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