Friday, April 18, 2014

How Many People Care About Kids?

This is a screen shot of the White House petition, taken on the day before the petition ended. And to think that the petition to make the opening day of baseball season a national holiday did reach 100,000+ signatures. What does this say about us as a people?


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Test Prep! Watch and Weep!

"Worksheets don't grow dendrites" ~ Marcia Tate

Watch and share this video by Kaydonna Wolfcale,  a teacher who quit because of the rigid education reforms, and weep for all kids in public schools today!

Texas STAAR test prep

If this example is not enough reason to sign the White House petition to stop standardized testing in America's public schools, I don't know what will be persuasive.
Direct the Department of Education & Congress to Remove Annual Standardized Testing Mandates of NCLB and RttT

Also see: Do You Care about Kids or Data?