Monday, February 17, 2014

Corporate Tests Do Not Inform Instruction

Excellent testimony given to the House Education Committee in support of  HB14 - 1202 which would allow the State Board of Education to waive most of  the statewide testing requirements for a school district.  See details here.

The parent of a student in a school district with a waiver may excuse his or her child from participating in any standardized tests, including any statewide test. The department cannot penalize a school district, and a school district cannot penalize the student or the student's teacher if a parent excuses his or her child from testing.

My name is Peggy Robertson. I am a Public School teacher in my 17th year of teaching, and one of the founders of United Opt Out National.  I support parents in opting out of high stakes testing all over the country...because I see the damage it is doing to children every day. And as a teacher, I have a moral obligation to do right by our children.

NotscoreThese tests our children take today are high stakes tests, which means that something bad could happen, should a child fail a test - the children understand this. The children know that they could be held back a year. They know that their school could be shut down. They know that their teachers could be fired.
The pressure and fear placed on our children and our teachers is immense. The school culture becomes toxic as a result.

When teachers are not testing, they feel great urgency to teach to the test due to the fear of failure. The more we test, the less time we have for our own authentic teacher assessments. Quite honestly, it is rare to see a teacher-created assessment anymore.

And these corporate tests do not inform our instruction. They narrow our instruction because the tests assess narrow learning. Narrow learning does not create thinkers and problem-solving citizens who can innovate and support a thriving democracy.
Narrow learning creates students who are obedient and follow directions.

Our country has more patents per million people than any other nation. Narrow learning via high stakes curriculum and testing will diminish our innovation very quickly.

As I help parents in opting their children out of testing, I hear stories of children who believe they are failures, children who fear their teachers will be fired, and children who sadly, state, that the test is all that counts anymore - they recognize that school has been reduced to a test prep factory.

I also hear about the damage high stakes testing does to our neediest children. Our second language learners and our children with IEPs spend more time testing and are denied more authentic learning experiences than any other children.
I speak with parents whose children pull their hair out, children who throw up, who cry, who bite their nails to the quick, and who cannot sleep at night due to these tests.

I speak to children who literally, physically, shudder when discussing the upcoming high stake tests. I speak to children who tell me they are bad readers because they failed the test, yet I know they have made one and a half year's growth as a reader.

Because I support parents in opting out of testing across the nation on a daily basis, I know very well the climate of the country in terms of parent unrest. Parents are angry.
Parents recognize that their children are being deprived of authentic learning. Parents also recognize that their children are being used for profit.

They recognize that these test costs, estimated in the billions for our country, are profiting the corporations while stripping our schools of funding for much needed resources. They recognize that corporate reformers creating and funding these testing mandates choose to send their own children to schools where high stakes testing and curriculum meant to create common children does not exist.

I ask that parents be allowed to opt their children out of these high stakes tests without negative repercussions for their children, their children's teachers and their school communities. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Time for Talk is Over!

From the Facebook page of a retired school teacher.

"I've nearly completely extricated myself from my daily reading and commenting on Facebook and Twitter. I'm a retired public school teacher. I've virtually stopped writing about education and the continuing destruction of our public schools. I live it everyday now as a consultant in the classrooms. I've been traveling a lot over the last few months. Now and then I see the same great and not so great stories, links, and comments. Brilliant people making brilliant observations. Making effulgent, even quite luminous and pithy remarks.

Progressives are aware of Achieve Inc. Michael Cohen has been around the education game in the Beltway for some time. They know Intel and IBM. They know Bill and Melinda Gates. Progressives are aware of a poll in Georgia showing a cooking show host as being more popular than Martin Luther King Jr. But they are living within the corporate dominant body politic.

Stop GERMNotice will be served to all those regardless of which side they take when all the commenting and daily reporting regarding this group or that, this small protest or that, change tenor. That is, the time for talk is over. Speak truth to power? The power already knows the truth. They discourage media from reporting on what's real. Like an interview of a career politician, there are few sources that don't deflect each question, each remark. Defying the truth. The time for talk is over.

Teachers. Stay in your classrooms if you must. What's happening in Chicago is clearly a harbinger of what's to come for teachers---nationwide. What's happening in Detroit is a message like some kind of back to the future Orwellian time machine. Corporate control beyond the atrocities of buying children for placement and profit. Like some John Hersey novel ("The Child Buyer") gone even more insanely dystopic as Wall Street and its largest beneficiaries concoct "no excuses" institutions for the poor to stay poor, and increase insulation from the new feudalism for the progeny of the wealthy.

The authoritarian power elite know that people are not truly defined by numbers. But they do know that the complete corporate occupation of schools requires a facade of unproven benchmarks and testing so it appears that they are preparing people for a future. Indeed.

Chicago-Teachers-Union-rallyUntil there is a movement of such insane capaciousness, linked together throughout all stratum of people and groups, all of one accord and in motion against the tyrannical private-corporate-government complex and its will to seize all that can be profitized and measured, leveraged by indebtedness. Then will there be meaningful action beyond the words and mien of a scattered, austeritized public. Each interest group appending a whole. With singularity and solidarity in commitment. Truly revolutionary.

Not a million or two people marching upon Washington, D.C., but 50 million or more. Susan Ohanian said it in one word: Revolution. Put thought into action or live the regret of continuance in a gone world."

human nature