From a newly released report by the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and the Alliance for Childhood.
More independent research is needed on the impact of screen technologies on young children. But whether you believe that early childhood settings should include screen time or not, there is enough evidence to draw these conclusions:
Many young children are spending too much time with screens at the expense of other important activities. There’s no evidence that screen time is educational for infants and toddlers, and there is some evidence that it may be harmful. Some carefully monitored experience with quality content can benefit children over 3.
But what’s most important for children is lots of time for hands-on creative and active play, time in nature, and face-to-face interactions with caring adults. And, regardless of content, excessive screen time harms healthy growth and development.
Based on the available research, ...this guide contain[s] practical information and suggestions for making your own decisions about using screen technologies with young children.
Access the report below
Facing the Screen Dilemma: Young Children, Technology and Early Education
A Facebook page has been set up devoted to discussing the ideas in Facing the Screen Dilemma. Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood