Perhaps it is a good idea for anyone with a compassion for kids, even for those outside of Colorado, to send a brief email to all those who voted against the Parental Opt-Out bill, to let them know how disappointing their decision is. (See names and contact info below) It is one easy way to take action, to help enlighten them on the absurdity and harmfulness of high-stakes testing.
"Republicans, who have claimed education choice as their platform, voted against parental rights. It is unfortunate for the citizens of Colorado that they are selective in their application of "small government." The vote on the parental rights bill illustrates that Republicans are willing to impose government will, so long as it is their own. Colorado was granted a waiver from No Child Left Behind and federal mandates on the same day that parents were denied. Democracy is a fine line" ~ Angela Engel (Uniting4Kids)
Watch this excellent testimony by parents:
Parental Rights Bill 12-1049
And also read this great commentary by John Young on:
Opting out of standardized testing
Here are all the five Republican nay sayers:
Copy all and paste in your email header.