"..schools, with NAGB's blessing, are actually offering stuff to seniors to "motivate" them to do better on the famed exam known as "the nation's report card."
My take on this:
If kids learned at an early age the merit of intrinsic rewards, they'd be more likely to want to do well on any test, simply to challenge themselves for their personal benefit. Right now though, kids are tested so much, it loses value to them.
Not only are they burdened at a young age to sit tests, but their school days are getting more rigid without enough time for things that stimulate their brains, which includes plenty of recess, and play time in kindergarten. What we are doing to young children is appalling and unethical from a child development standpoint as well as a humane one.
What has happened to educational policymakers empathic capability? Perhaps they did not have any to begin with.
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